Brenda T
1 min readJun 26, 2021


This Life

***Recently, while going through the family home after losing my mother to Covid, I came across the writing of my great-grandmother, Minnie Louise Bumphrey, who was a published writer and poet. Over the next few days I will be sharing her works on my blog. This poem was initially untitled.***

This life is just a bubble and can burst most any time.

No matter how much gold you have or if your home is fine.

Life is something on can’t buy — no — for it, man cannot pay.

It was given to man by “God” above and “God” can take it any day.

So why think we are important or hold our heads up high?

We have no reason to be proud, our days will soon pass by.

Things of this world are foolishness, here today and gone tomorrow.

They may bring joy for a short time then followed up by sorrow.

So gather the real treasures, set your mind on things above.

Perfect faith and perfect love.

*** Originally written by Minnie Louise Bumphrey of Kewanee, Illinois.***



Brenda T

Brenda Thornlow is an author, animal advocate, and certified Reiki Master from New York. Her books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.